
Daher goes on a Quest

French manufacturer Daher announced, on 13 June, that it is to acquire US-based Quest Aircraft. Daher, which produces the TBM family of turboprop singles, has snapped up Sandpoint, Idaho-based Quest to gain a manufacturing presence in the US. Quest has delivered almost 280 of its Kodiak 100 utility aircraft since January 2008. The high-wing, unpressurised, single-engine turboprop seats up to 10 passengers.

Chairman Patrick Daher said: “As a powerful and manoeuvrable aircraft, used particularly for humanitarian missions to provide aid to isolated communities, the Kodiak 100 perfectly complements our TBM product range and is fully in line with Daher’s long term vision as a company committed to the future of aviation.” The purchase, which is due to be completed by year-end, will make Daher the world’s seventh largest aircraft manufacturer in business aviation.

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